Senate Democrats caught in a massive scandal that could change everything


Democrats never want America to hear the truth. But now, they have nowhere to hide.

Because Senate Democrats have been caught in a massive scandal that could change everything.

On Thursday, the Democrat-controlled Senate once again rejected the “Border Act,” a border security bill that had previously failed to pass earlier this year.

This legislative attempt, intended to tighten the asylum process and enhance border security amidst an ongoing migrant crisis, failed to meet the 60-vote threshold required to advance.

The bill, which was blocked in February when linked to foreign aid, faced similar resistance as a standalone measure.

With 50 members voting against advancing the bill and only 43 members voting in favor of it, the Democrats managed to stymie the Republican-led initiative aimed at addressing one of the most pressing issues facing the nation.

Senator James Lankford (R-OK), who had spent months helping to craft the bill, criticized the leadership’s handling of its revival.

“I’m making it very clear with my vote that this is a stunt — not an attempt to do anything,” Lankford told Newsmax. “And I’m going to be interested in how many Democrats walk away from this.”

Another key negotiator, Senator Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ), echoed Lankford’s sentiments in a floor speech, claiming that both Democrats and Republicans have chosen “political theater” over real progress.

Sinema’s remarks underscore the deep-seated frustration among lawmakers who seek genuine solutions to the border crisis.

House Republicans have been vocal in their opposition to the “Border Act,” arguing that it would effectively codify President Joe Biden’s “open border” policies.

They warned that the bill would be “dead on arrival” if it came their way and instead pushed for the Senate to pass H.R. 2, a more stringent border security bill that the House passed last year.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has refused to take up H.R. 2 for consideration, leading to further partisan friction.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) released a statement after the vote, urging Schumer to join House Republicans in demanding that President Biden reverse course and use his executive authority to secure the border and protect American families.

Johnson’s statement reflects the broader Republican stance that the current administration’s policies have exacerbated the border crisis.

Top Democrats, including President Biden, have accused Republicans of obstructing progress toward a comprehensive solution.

Schumer took to X (formerly known as Twitter) to express his disappointment, stating, “While the GOP isn’t interested today in getting this done — we’ll keep trying. It’s too important to our national security, our communities, our country.”

President Biden echoed this sentiment, claiming that Republicans “do not care about securing the border or fixing America’s broken immigration system,” and reaffirmed his commitment to taking action on the issue.

However, Republicans argue that Biden’s policies have directly contributed to the crisis, pointing to the record numbers of illegal crossings and the strain on border communities.

Immigration and border security are top issues heading into the presidential election this November.

With the Biden administration’s handling of the border crisis under intense scrutiny, Republicans are seizing the opportunity to highlight what they see as a clear failure of leadership.

They argue that the administration’s lenient policies have emboldened human traffickers and drug cartels, leading to an unprecedented surge in illegal immigration.

The Senate’s refusal to advance the “Border Act” adds another layer of complexity to the already contentious debate over immigration policy. source

Lyin’ Biden knows exactly what he is doing. This is just another measure to destroy our once great nation. Did you know that over 25,000 Chinese nationals have come over our border this year? I’m sure that sweetened the pot for Biden and his criminal son!

Now, if that  doesn’t make you uneasy, then your head is firmly planted in the proverbial sand!



2 thoughts on “Senate Democrats caught in a massive scandal that could change everything

  1. Schumer puts my teeth on edge. God help us. It looks ominous. We are so weak. I think the sharks( atomic submarines) are circling the waters. Not only are the borders being overrun, but China is threatening Taiwan, and a major strike took out part of Russia’s nuclear defense spotters. This will escalate things there.
    A war would divert attention from the election, or give excuse to cancel it. What a mess, everywhere you look, if looking sideways. So I’m looking up.

    1. I’m looking UP too, sis. We were warned by our Lord that these times would be difficult – and NOT to be deceived. We must look to Him for discernment and for His Peace, that only He can give!

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