Maryland: Governor Signs Bill Ousting Hamas-linked CAIR From State Hate Crimes Monitoring Board


Richly deserved and long overdue. In fact, the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) never should have been on the board in the first place. Also, there should be no such board. A crime is a crime. If you assault someone, you should be prosecuted. If you assault someone while calling him a racial slur, you should be prosecuted. “Hate crime” is a concept that is predicated upon the assumption that there is speech that should be prohibited. This opens the way to larger restrictions on speech, and to tyranny.

“CAIR Expelled from Maryland’s Hate Crimes Commission; MEF’s Role Revealed,” Middle East Forum, May 20, 2024:

PHILADELPHIA – May 20, 2024 – Maryland Governor Wes Moore (D) signed a bill on May 16 to oust the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) from a state board that monitors hate crimes. That decision, following unanimous approval by the Maryland General Assembly, followed months of meetings, drafting, and advocacy by the Middle East Forum’s campaign arm (MEF Action).

CAIR’s Maryland director, Zainab Chaudry, posted multiple antisemitic comments to social media in the aftermath of the Oct. 7 atrocity, when Hamas slaughtered 1,200 people in Israel, including 32 Americans, and abducted relatives of Maryland residents. She compared Israel to Nazi Germany and repeated Hamas media claims that Israeli Jews were harvesting the organs of dead Palestinians.

Soon after, Maryland’s Attorney General Anthony Brown (D) temporarily suspended Chaudry from the state’s Commission on Hate Crimes Response and Prevention, on the grounds that her statements “risk disrupting the work and mission of the Commission.” Brown then had to reinstate Chaudry two weeks later, explaining that he lacked the legal authority to suspend her.

Brown’s reversal decision prompted Maryland lawmakers to introduce House Bill 763, at which point MEF Action got engaged. It met with the bill’s author, Delegate Dalya Attar (D-Baltimore City), distributed a dossier on CAIR-Maryland to key legislators, and engaged in other efforts to pass the legislation. MEF showed that Chaudry’s views reflect those of CAIR as a whole; for example, CAIR’s executive director, Nihad Awad, stated in November that he was “happy to see” Israel’s border infiltrated on Oct. 7. Therefore, we argued, replacing Chaudry with another CAIR employee would produce similarly unacceptable results…. source

Well, it’s about time. And while they are at it, every state should mark CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood as terrorist organizations (which they ARE). As a matter of fact, this should be done on the federal level. 

I remember when Barack HUSSEIN Obama had his buddies from the Brotherhood at the White House on a regular basis.

Did you know that there were many Brotherhood members in key positions in the DHS of all places?

My guess is that most of these terrorists are still in place in our Federal agencies!  

How corrupt can a government be?  Rhetorical question…….



6 thoughts on “Maryland: Governor Signs Bill Ousting Hamas-linked CAIR From State Hate Crimes Monitoring Board

  1. Both Tennessee US senators, and several others sent a strongly worded recommendation that the world court be sanctioned for ordering arrest of PM Netanyahu for war crimes. Israel has a lot of support in these parts. Trying to turn the tables on this doesn’t work here.
    Also, 24 Republican governors are against the WHO treaty. All but North Carolina signed on, in the South.I don’t know why they didn’t. Texas, other western states signed, as well.
    There are bigots in every part of the US, and lots of wokey dopes, too, but we still outnumber them!
    Even if we didn’t, ( but we do here) we know whose side God is on…

  2. So close to the swamp. Part of it. Maryland was once considered a southern state. Yes- I’m as surprised as you are that they actually did something.
    Baltimore itself, like Memphis, Nashville,and most other cities in US, is blue; but the states themselves are often quite red.
    Many conservatives of all colors still live in parts of California. Cost of living, oppressive government are driving them out.

    1. Trust me, Maryland is not red as a whole. Of course there are pockets where people still have functioning brains and do vote conservatively. That’s not the norm. There are WAY more conservatives in CA than in MD. They did vote Larry Hogan in as governor, but he turned out to be a major rhino.

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