Backlash From LGBT’s Against Orthodox Rabbi in Jerusalem: “The Ways of Torah Are Acceptance and Inclusion”


Last week I wrote an article on the Chief Orthodox Rabbi of Jerusalem, Shlomo Amar. He called members of the LGBT  “A cult of abomination” and now the backlash is growing.  They are calling for him to resign.

Rabbi Amar was quoting from the Torah. Just as with many Christian mainline denominations,  many Jews in Israel and worldwide care not for what the Bible says. There is no absolute truth with these people. Everything is relative.  Rabbi Amar was simply doing his job as Chief Rabbi. He told the people that homosexuality is an abomination to God.  Now he is being punished for telling the truth.

Sounds much like the prophets of old, doesn’t it?

From ArutzSheva.som

Leftists, LGBT activists target Jerusalem Chief Rabbi

Yerushalmim faction, LGBT activists plan protests outside offices of Rabbi Shlomo Amar, following his statements on gays, Reform Jews.

Leftists, LGBT activists, and members of the Reform movement are planning to demonstrate against Jerusalem Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar on Sunday in response to his recent comments on Reform Jews and homosexuals.

Organizers have called upon Rabbi Amar to resign his position, saying that his comments disqualify him from serving as a public figure. The event will be held opposite the offices of the Jerusalem Chief Rabbi.

On Thursday, Rabbi Amar, who previously served as Chief Sephardic Rabbi of Israel gave an interview to Israel Hayom, discussing a wide range of subjects and touching upon the relationship of religion and state.

During the interview, Rabbi Amar slammed the Reform movement as “wicked”, and invoked the biblical condemnation of homosexual acts as an “abomination”.

Sunday’s rally against the Jerusalem Chief Rabbi is being organized by the Yerushalmim faction of the city council, a movement founded by Kulanu MK Rachel Azaria.

The lesbian organization Bat Kol has also signed onto the event, as has the Labor Party’s student division in the Hebrew University, and members of the Reform movement.

Yerushalmim member and city councilman Aharon Leibovich slammed Rabbi Amar and called on Jerusalem residents to attend the demonstration.

“When Rabbi Amar, who is supposed to be a spiritual beacon, instead works to spread darkness and division – when the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem permits himself in the name of the Torah to so explicitly attack sectors of the population, we need to rise up and declare: Enough.

“We need to remember and to remind that ‘The ways [of the Torah] are the ways of pleasantness’ – the way of the Torah is acceptance and inclusion, not hatred and division. The time has come to put an end to incitement in the name of the Torah, and enough to going on the offensive and then hiding behind the mantle [of religion].

“I call upon everyone in society who cares about Jerusalem and pluralism to join the demonstration and the call which must be clearly understood: Rabbi Amar you must resign.” – source

When I saw this quote, it reminded me of  Scripture:

“We need to remember and to remind that ‘The ways [of the Torah] are the ways of pleasantness’ – the way of the Torah is acceptance and inclusion, not hatred and division.”   (emphasis added)

“There is a way that seems right to a man,
But its end is the way of death”  (Proverbs 14:12).

The ‘inclusion and unity’ mantra is heard wherever leftists gather. It no longer matters to these people what God Himself has to say about sin.  There is no more sin to the leftist thinkers.  Everything is fine – just live your life as you see fit and we will all be happy.  Pure RUBBISH.

God’s Word is GOD’S WORD

Most of the left do not believe that the Bible is truly God’s own words.  They see it as outdated and non relevant to our lives today.  I would venture to say that most of these people do not even believe there is a God.

I pray that Rabbi Shlomo Amar does not budge from what he has said. I pray that God will give him the boldness to defend the Word of God and not fear man.

It will be interesting to watch this story as it develops.



5 thoughts on “Backlash From LGBT’s Against Orthodox Rabbi in Jerusalem: “The Ways of Torah Are Acceptance and Inclusion”

  1. Yet another sign of the fall of mankind, and biblical prophecy being fulfilled (good spoken of as evil and evil as good). Will send with the Rabbi and the Word on this one.

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