Nancy Pelosi Gives House Floor to Jew-Hating Imam for Opening Prayer


There is a saying “Don’t listen to my words – look at what I do.”

That applies to many on the Left. Lying is like breathing to these people. They have no remorse and seemingly no consciences.

Love Affair between the Left and Radical Islam

I’ve written many articles on the relationship between Leftist and Islamists. It is not really that puzzling when one thinks of what they have in common.  Both HATE Christianity, America and Patriots.

Here is one of my articles on this insidious relationship:

“United in Hate: The Love Affair Between Radical Islam and the Left”



It was the controversial Linda Sarsour, of Women’s March fame, who praised the decision.

House speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has added a “bad call” to her party’s failed “Russia collusion” agenda, which effectively has hindered Congress from addressing issues of concern to citizens such as border security and trade.

She chose a virulently anti-Semitic imam from Texas, who compared Jews to Nazis, to deliver the opening prayer in the House chamber.

“Totally unacceptable” and “bad call” is how Rep. Lee Zeldin described the move:

The Washington Examiner pointed out Suleiman is head of the Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research. And his message to Congress of “peace, not war” contrasts with his “virulent anti-Israel statements.”

He’s called Israel an “apartheid state” and has demanded a Palestinian uprising.

In a 2014 post on his verified Facebook account, Suleiman called for another “intifada,” or uprising, against Israel, the Examiner said.

“For the first time since 1967, Masjid Al Aqsa is closed. A third intifada is near insha’Allah.#FreePalestine #AlAqsaUnderAttack,’ Suleiman wrote.

He calls the Israeli military’s defense of its nation “massacres.”

“This is Palestine. Apartheid Israel, with American funding and cover, continues to terrorize with impunity. Over 50 killed and 2000 wounded by Israeli snipers while protesting an illegal occupation and an illegal embassy,” Suleiman wrote in a May 2018 Facebook post.

He also condemned Israel’s actions as “genocide.”

The Gateway Pundit, calling Pelosi’s decision “outrageous,” cited an Algemeiner report of Suleiman declared on Twitter and Facebook in 2014: “How befitting that the 3rd Intifada starts on the 27th night of Ramadan as worshippers are denied prayer in Masjid Al Aqsa.’ He ended his post with a prayer of sorts: ‘God willing on this blessed night as the 3rd Intifada begins, the beginning of the end of Zionism is here. May Allah help us overcome this monster, protect the innocent of the world, and accept the murdered as martyrs. ameen.”

The Jerusalem Post said Suleiman is “known for his Israel-bashing antics.”

The invitation to pray originated with Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, D-Texas, the Post reported.

The Post said that along with appearing to side with Hamas, Suleiman has supported the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, as well as Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, and Women’s March founder Linda Sarsour, “all who have shared vehemently anti-Israel sentiments,” the report said. source

Brethren, this is just the start of the coming persecution of Israel and true Christians who support her.

If the Left take back the White House in 2020, it’s going to be a bumpy ride. Pray like you’ve never prayed before.  We MUST have the freedom to share the Gospel with others and to support Israel without fear of punishment.

We know this is coming, but we should pray for a continued reprieve from the horrific years of Obama when he ruled over us.

How Can I Be Saved?

Shalom b’Yeshua








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